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Geography of India |
The Greenwich line is at 0 degrees, which divides the whole world into two parts by this line of time It is determined that the standard time of India is 5:30 hours ahead of Greenwich Line.
Cancer line: - Cancer line is located at 3:30 degrees north latitude, it passes through 8 states of India She divides India into two parts Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand Chhattisgarh West Bengal Gujarat
Mizoram passes through Tripura and it touches from Rajasthan to the southern border of Dungarpur.
Where it comes out and passes through the middle of Banswara, the half-century Degree longitude line of India 5 states pass through Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Chhattisgarh passes through Orissa States Is there.
Area of India is 3287263 sq. Km which is 2:45 percent of the area of the world, in terms of area The descending order of the largest countries is as follows: Russia, Canada, America. Brazil Australia-India
Argentina is thus the seventh largest country in the world in terms of area area The northern point of India is Indira in Jammu and Kashmir which is the northern expanse of India and India's
The southern point is Indira Point, which is the southernmost point of India, Indira Point, also the picnic point
It is said that the island was sunk in the sea due to Tsunami on January 26, 2004, 6.3 minutes north
Located on the latitude and Nicobar islands, it is located at 876 km from the equator
The length of Indian subcontinent is 3214 km from north to south and length from east to west 2933 km is the southernmost point of India's mainland in Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu
India's terrestrial border is 15200 km and India's total aqueous limit is 7516. 5 km from India
The main land area is 6100 km. Island range is 1416.5 km India's total range 22716.5 km.
India's natural boundary is located in the north from the Himalayas in the north to the Indian Ocean in the south.
From the Thar Desert in the west to the Arakan Yoma Mountain range in the east is Arakan Yoma category India
And separates Myanmar
Artificial Limitations of India Bangladesh China Pakistan Nepal Myanmar Bhutan is from Afghanistan
India's highest terrestrial range is 4096 km from Bangladesh, the lowest from Afghanistan It takes 80 km Indian state of Punjab, Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir, India
The only state whose border is from Afghanistan is Jammu and Kashmir
Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand is Himachal Pradesh.
The Indian state of Sikkim, Uttarakhand, which is affiliated with Nepal, is UP Bihar, West Bengal
Indian state Arunachal Pradesh is Assam West Bengal with Bhutan
Manipur Mizoram, the Indian state of Myanmar, is in Nagaland in Arunachal Pradesh.
Assam is the Indian state of Assam which is from West Bengal, Meghalaya is Mizoram.
Located on the western coastal border of India, Gujarat is Maharashtra, Karnataka, Karnataka, and India's
States located on the eastern boundary, Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Orissa West Bengal is the most coastal border of Gujarat
Andhra Pradesh has the lowest coastal border of Goa
India's total island is 247
43 islands located in the Arabian Sea
204 is located in the Bay of Bengal
Uttar Pradesh is a state of India which is spread over most states of Uttar Pradesh Border is found in 8 states of India which are as follows: Uttarakhand Haryana Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh
Jharkhand Bihar Himachal Pradesh.
Note: - China is one of the countries in the world which has a border with most countries.
It seems
Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh is Telangana
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