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Noun Fact |
Rule 1 :- कुछ Noun का प्रयोग हमेशा plural form में ही होता है, इन Noun के अंत से 's'हटाकर इन्हे singular नहीं बनाया जा सकता । यह हमेशा Plural form में रहते हैं तथा इनके साथ हमेशा Plural verb ही लगती है ।
यह निम्न शब्द इनके उदाहरण हैं -
1. Riches 2. Premises 3. Spectacles
4. Bowels 5. Valuables 6. roceeds
7.Alms 8. Movables 9. Wages
10.Thanks 11. Annals 12. Trousers
13. Goods 14. Socks 15. Fetters
16. Shorts 17. Pantaloons 18. Scissors
19. Tidings 20. Eatables 21. Stockings
22. Surroundings 23. Breeches 24. Arms (weapons)
Ex. (a) Riches have wings.
: - Riches in the above sentence, mean wealth and not many rich man. Riches being a Plural noun and takes Plural Verb.
(b) Kindly give me a scissors. (incorrect)
Kindly give me a pair of scissors. (correct)
(c) My spectacles has been broken (incorrect)
My spectacles have been broken (correct)
Rule 2 :- कुछ Noun दिख्ने में Plural होते हैं , परंतु उनके साथ हमेशा singular verb का उपयोग किया जाता है
1. Mathematics 2. Statistics 3. Economics
4. Politics 5. Gymnastics 6. Machanics
7. Physics 8. News 9. Innings
10. Rickets
Ex. (a) Mathematics are my favorite subject (incorrect)
Mathematics is my favorite subject (correct)
(b) Politics are game of compromise. (incorrect)
Politics is game of compromise. (correct)
(c) These news were brodcasting today. yesterday. (incorrect )
This news is brodcasting today. (correct )
(d) Economics are his favourite subject. (incorrect)
Economics is his favourite subject. (correct)
(e) Measles are infectios. (incorrect)
Measles is infectios. (correct)
Group 3 :- कुछ Noun दिखने में Singular लगते है ,परंतु इनके साथ हमेशा plural verb का उपयोग होता है ।
1. Gentry 2. People 3. Police
4. Clergy 5. Vermine 6. Public
7. Cattle 8. Peasantry 9. Folk
10. Mankind 11. Poultry 12. Jury
13. Army 14. Flock
Ex. (a) The police is aware of the fact. (incorrect)
The police are aware of the fact. (correct)
(b) The cattle is running on the ground. (incorrect)
The cattle are gunning on the ground. (correct)
Group 4 :- कुछ noun हमेशा singular form मेँ ही रहते है इन्हे 's' लगाकर plural नहीं बनाया जा सकता इनके साथ article का उपयोग नहीं किया जा सकता ।
1. Poetry 2. Offspring 3. Abuse
4. Advise 5. Imformation 6. Machinery
7. Cavalry 8. Fuel 9. Aiphabet
10. Hair 11. Bedding 12.Scenery
13. Issue 14. Stationery 15. Furniture
Ex. (a) I do not like Poetries of Joy. (incorrect)
I do not like Poetry of Joy. (correct)
(b) The old furniture were brocken (incorrect)
The old furniture was brocken (correct)
(c) The sceneries of Shimla are excellent. (incorrect)
The scenery of Shimla is excellent. (correct)
Group 5 :- कुछ noun singular और plural दोनों form मेँ एक जैसे ही होते हैं
1. Sheep 2. Fish 3. Apparatus
4. Crops 5. Cod 6. Toke
7. Series 8. Swine 9. Deer
10. Means 11. Pan 12. Amends
Ex. (a) The series of lectures were delivered on the subject. (incorrect)
The series of lectures was delivered on the subject. (correct)
(b) Fishes cannot live without water. (incorrect)
Fish cannot live without water. (correct)
Group 6 :- कुछ noun अर्थ मे plural होते हैं ,इनके पूर्व किसी निश्चित संख्या का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इन noun को s यां es लगाकर plural नहीं किया जा सकता।
1. Foot 2. Thousand 3. Meter
4. Pair 5. Score 6. Hundred
7. Million 8. year 9. Head 10. Dozen
Ex. (a) The boys cought a six-feet snake . (incorrect)
The boys cought a six-foot snake . (correct)
(b) It was a six-years object. (incorrect)
It was a six-year object. (correct)
(c) Six km. is a long distance. (incorrect)
Six km. is a long distance. (correct)
(d) I bought four dozens bananas. (incorrect)
I bought four dozen bananas. (correct)
(f ) I have two pairs of shoes.
(g) They have two hundred rupees only.
(h) She purchased three dozen pencils.
(i) He has already vest five hundred rupees.
Group 7 :- यदि किसी noun के साथ preposition हो और फिर वही noun repeat हो तो singular form का उपयोग करते है ।
(a) Room after Room were devastated. (incorrect)
Room after Room was devastated. (correct)
(b) Row upon rows of marble look beautiful. (incorrect)
Row upon row of marble looks beautiful. (correct)
(c) He enquired from window after window. (incorrect)
He enquired from window after windows. (correct)
(d) Car after car is coming. (incorrect)
Car after cars are coming. (correct)
Group 8 :- Common Gender Noun जैसे - writer, leader, musician Teacher, student, child, clerk, advocate, worker, ऐसे noun हैं जो male और female दोनों में एक जैसे होते हैं इनमे Masculine Gender (He/His/Him etc.) का ही उपयोग किया जाता है।
Ex . (1) Every Worker should perform his duty.
(2) A Clerk should perform his duty sincerely.
-: Gender को चार भागों में बांटा जाता है :-
(2) Feminine Gender - ऐसे noun जो female sex को व्यक्त करते है Feminine Gender कहलाते हैं। Ex. Tigress, Woman, Lioness, Mother, Girl , Sister,Nature, Earth, Goddess etc.
(3) Common Gender - ऐसे noun जो स्त्री व पुरुष दोनों के लिए प्रयुक्त होते है Common Gender कहलाते हैं। Ex. Child, Baby, Teacher, Servant, Student, Cousin, Infant, Thief etc.
(4) Neuter Gender - ऐसे noun जो निर्जीव वस्तुओ को व्यक्त करते हैं Neuter Gender कहलाते हैं। Copy, Book, Room, Paper, T.V., Box, etc.
1. कुछ Masculine Noun के साथ es लगाकर उसे Feminine Noun बनाया जाता है
Shepherd - Shepherdess
Giant - Giantess
Heir - Heiress
Lion - Lioness
Priest - Priestess
Tailor - Tailoress
Author - Authoress
Host - Hostess
Poet - Poetess
2. कुछ Masculine Noun में अंतिम शब्द consonant हो तथा उसके पहले vowel हो तो उसे हटाकर ess लगाते हैं।
Prince - Princess
Waiter - Waitress
Director - Directress Negro - Negress
Tiger - Tigress
3. कुछ Masculine Noun में first और second अक्षर में कुछ परिवर्तन किया जाता है
Man-servant Maid - servant
Brother-in law Sister-in-law
He-bear She-bear
Landlord Landlady
Father-in-law Mother-in-law
Step-Father Step-Mother
Cock-sparrow Hen-sparrow
Dog-wolf Bitch-wolf
Stepbrother Stepsister
Grandson Granddaughter
Bull-calf Cow-calf
Jack-ass Jenny-ass
Headmaster Headmistress
Milkman Milkmaid
Postmaster Postmistress
4. कुछ अन्य noun जो female और male बिलकुल अलग होते हैं
Father Mother
Boy Girl
He She
Husband WiSister
Colt Filly
Dog Bitch
Buck Doe
Earl Countess
Monk Nun
Gander Goose
Hart Roe
Horse Mare
King Queen
Man Woman
Mr. Miss
Sheep Ewe
Son Daughter
Uncle Aunt
Fox Vixen
Ox Cow
Czar Czarina
Hero Heroine
Testator Testatrix
Bachelor Maid
Boy Girl
Cock Hen
Drake Duck
Drone Bee
Testator Testatrix
Singular Noun: इससे केवल एक व्यक्ति , एक वस्तु , एक स्थान का ही बोध होता है Ex. Boy, Girl, Kite, Man etc.
Plural Noun: इससे एक से अधिक व्यक्ति ,वस्तु या स्थान का बोध होता है Ex. Boys, Girls, Cities etc.
Singular to Plural
Rule 1. यदि noun के अंत में s, sh, ch, x, z तो उसके साथ 'es' जोड़ना है
Gas - Gases Fox - Foxes
Beach - Beaches Bush - Bushes
Church - Churches
Rule 2. यदि noun के अंत में और y से पहले consonant हो तो y को हटाकर 'ies ' लगते है
Story - Stories City - Cities
Body - Bodies